Surah Ikhlas | Qul Hu Allahu Ahad Surah

Ikhlas means ‘Holiness or Sincerity’. Surah Ikhlas is the 112th surah in the Quran that was revealed in Mecca consisting of four Makkiyah verses. In addition, this surah Tawhid asserts about God Almighty and humans are called to reject all polytheists, nothing equals or resembles Allah SWT. Surah Al-Ikhlas has other names such as al-Asbab, al-Iman and At-Tawhid.

Surah Ikhlas

Surah Ikhlas in English

Surah Al Ikhlas in English

Also Read:  Surah Al Falaq and Surah Nas

Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi in the website of the Mufti of the Federal Territory said that there are 19 other names for surah al-Ikhlas. This is one of the most read surahs by Muslims all over the world who memorize it as one of the first surahs of the holy Quran. Surah al Ikhlas is not only always recited during the five daily obligatory prayers, but also in circumcision prayers. 

Advantages of Surah Ikhlas

The article lists nine (9) advantages of surah Al-Ikhlas, namely:

Reading it is the same as reading 1/3 of the Koran

The advantage of reading surah Ikhlas brings a reward equivalent to reading a third of the Quran. There is no problem reading surah al-Ikhlas repeatedly during prayer. Practice reading it three times at night before going to bed just like reading 1/3 of the Quran.

Indeed, a person heard another person reciting ‘Qul hu wallah hu A’had’ by repeating it, then in the morning, he came to the Messenger of Allah and told him about it and it was as if the person considered Surah al-Ikhlas trivial, so Nabi Muhammad SAW said : ” By the One in Whose hands my soul is, verily that surah is comparable to a third of the Qur’an. ” (HR al-Bukhari, Abu Daud, An-Nasaie)

Read before bed as a protector

Nicknamed al-Munaffirah because the devil runs away from it when it is read. Surah Ikhlas read together with surah Fatihah before going to sleep can protect the reader from all dangers. Prophet Muhammad SAW said which means: ” If you recite surah al- Fatiha h and surah al- Ikhlas while lying in your bed, you will be protected and will not fear anything except death . “(Tafsir Mazhari)

Remembering the oneness of Allah SWT 

A believer who has faith and piety holds fast and believes in the one Creator of this universe. As is well known, Allah SWT is the One and Only God, neither begetting nor begotten. This surah is filled with the beautiful and perfect attributes of Allah SWT that need to be known. There is nothing like Him and nothing greater as stated in the Qur’an:

It means: ” Say (O Muhammad): “(My God) is the One and Only God, the God who is the focus of all creatures to ask for any wish. He did not beget and He was not begotten. And there is none like Him. ” (Surah al-Ikhlas, verses 1-4)

It is clear and obvious that God is One even though we do not see God. According to Sheikh Muhammad al-Tahir Ibn ‘Ashur, the name al-Ikhlas is more prominent because it combines all the meanings of this surah where it teaches a person to sincerely believe in God, a pure faith from any form of shirk to believe in God. (Refer: Al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir, 30 / 609-610).

Heavenly Reward

We always pray after praying the five daily prayers. Surah Ikhlas is a medium for prayers to be accepted. Readers of surah al Ikhlas become a beloved servant of God. A person who recites this surah  in the obligatory prayer five times, God bestows His mercy on that person, his parents and his children, not only in this world but also in the hereafter.

The Prophet SAW said which means: ” A person who recites Surah al -Ikhlas ten times, then Allah will build a house in heaven for him.

Once a friend of the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

“I really like this surah (al-Ikhlas).”

The Prophet SAW replied:

And your love for him will make you enter heaven. ” (HR Tirmizi)

Achieve success in life and improve beliefs

Surah Ikhlas brings success and happiness and can help maintain one’s faith. Reading this surah also increases one’s wisdom and whatever they do, they will find success in their lives.

Many who face difficult times are asked to read this surah for spiritual personality and most of them show satisfaction and happiness after reading surah al Ikhlas regularly. The Prophet SAW once advised a man to say salam and recite the surah when entering his house. In a few days, the man became rich.

The Prophet SAW once said which means: ” Whoever recites Surah al-Ikhlas when entering his home, poverty will be removed from his home and his neighbors.

Based on the second verse of surah al-Ikhlas, Ibn Kathir said:

From Ibn Abbas, the meaning of al-Somad is that all creatures depend on Him for their life needs and problems to be fulfilled. (See Tafsir al-Quran al-‘Azim, 8/528)

Healer or Protector

Surah al-Ikhlas is also known as al-Mu’awwizah which means healer or protector. The most interesting thing about this surah is that whoever recites it regularly is protected from all kinds of diseases and viral infections.

Read surah al-Ikhlas together with three other surahs namely surah al-Kafirun, surah al-Falaq and surah An-Nas. These four surahs are four Qul. The four Quls protect their readers from harm, calamity and destruction as well as magic breakers.

Prevents from the punishment of the grave and hell

Surah Ikhlas has another name which is al-Mani’ah because it is able to prevent from the punishment of the grave and hell. In addition, surah al Ikhlas saves a person from being a disbeliever in this world and avoids being punished in the afterlife.

The presence of many angels

Surah Ikhlas is also called al-Mahdhar because the angels are present to listen to surah Ikhlas when it is read. Reciting surah Al Ikhlas routinely will increase the presence of angels at the time of someone’s death to pray and ask for forgiveness from God.

Away from shirk to Allah SWT and his sins are forgiven

Surah Ikhlas got the name al-Barra’ah because one is freed from polytheism. Surah al-Ikhlas cleanses and purifies the soul of believers from doubting Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said which means: “A person who recites Surah al-Ikhlas two hundred times every day, he will have fifty years of sins forgiven, unless he is in debt.


One can achieve happiness in life while reading this great surah Ikhlas. There is evidence from the hadith and sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that certain parts of the Qur’an are respected more than others. Surah Ikhlas is one of the main surahs of the Quran that has the highest importance in Islam.

Never feel tired of wetting our lips and tongue in reciting surah Ikhlas which is very short and simple over and over again even though it is always read in prayer and in any situation. May our faith be strengthened and conquered again by the practice of reciting surah al-Ikhlas.

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