Surah An Nas | Qul Auzu Bi Rabbin Nas Surah

Surah An Nas consists of 6 verses. This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs , revealed after Al-Falaq surah. The name An-Nas is taken from “An-Nās” which is repeatedly mentioned in this surah which means human.

Surah An Nas

Surah An-Nas in English

Surah An Nas in English

This Surah An Nas is short and simple but carries a deep meaning about the need of man to Allah as an absolute protector from the evil of the evil devil. That is, he encourages people to ask Allah for protection from the temptations of the devil, both from the human race and from the jinn. Surah Nas is also an enlightener of the heart.

Main Theme of  Surah An Nas

The verses of Surah An Nas are short and simple but carry a deep meaning about the need of man to Allah SWT as an absolute protector from the evil of the wicked devil.

Introducing Allah SWT

Surah Nas contains three attributes of Allah SWT: ‘Rububiyah’, ‘Mulkiyah’ and ‘Uluhiyah’. Allah is the manager, King and ‘Allah’ of all things. All are His creatures, under His kingdom, and serve Him. Because of that, Allah commands anyone to protect themselves from Allah SWT who has 3 great attributes, from all kinds of whispers of al-khannas, that is the devil who will be delegated to humans.

Surah An Nas consists of six verses and is divided into two parts , where the first part consists of verses 1-3 which introduce Allah SWT , while the second part is the reality of Satan in verses 4-6.

In the 3 verses below, Allah is introduced through 3 main identities namely Rabb, Malik and Illah. If examined from the first to the third verse, the main focus is given to a creature called man…how clear is the love and specialness of man that He created.

With these three attributes of Allah, Allah SWT commanded the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam and his people to seek protection only from Him from the evil of misgivings breathed by the devil.

A ‘ Rabbani ‘ education , that all creatures of Allah SWT are weak servants, needing His help. Including Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, His Majesty is an ordinary human being who needs Allah SWT. Until His Majesty is a servant who cannot be worshipped, not a place to ask for help and protection, and not a place to rely on.

The Reality of Satan

The second part of this surah Al Nas tells about the nature of the devil, our enemy who is weak in the beginning, but much stronger than the hearts of people who do not know their Allah.

Satan is not capable of doing damage, but whispering evil words and throwing incitements to the hearts of people who are easily forgetful. Next, humans themselves are affected and do damage in the world with their own hands. Satan also has the character of a coward. He only appears in the hearts of those who are not firm in their faith and feel comfortable with continuous immoral behavior and do not believe in the majesty of Allah’s power, the ruler of the day of judgment.

Jinn and Humans.

Next, Allah reminds us that those who whisper into a person’s chest are not only from the jinn group, even among humans they can play the role of Satan. They are human beings who are cruel to other human beings, slanderers and slanderers who never get enough of chewing their own flesh and those who are drowned in the lust of surrender.

Advantages of Surah An Nas

Surah An Nas is to encourage people to seek protection from Allah SWT from the temptations of Satan, both from the human and jinn groups.

  1. Surah Nas is one of ‘Al Mu’awwidzataini’, which are two surahs that contain requests for protection.
  2. Surah Nas is also considered a calming and enlightening surah.
  3. Surah Nas, if read 1000 times, can be loving and attractive.

From Aisyah r.ha. he said:

“The Prophet SAW when he went to bed every night, he spread his hands and then blew out both palms and read Surah Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An Nas, then he swept the part of the body that could be reached by both hands, he started from the head , face, and body parts that can be reached. He did so three times.”

Closing Notes

So it is appropriate for us to always ask for help and protection only from Allah SWT alone. Surah An Nas acknowledging that indeed all creatures are under His order and power. All these events happened by His will. And no one can give help and refuse harm except by His will.

May Allah SWT make us His servants who always ask for help, protection and devote all worship only to Him.

I pray that Allah makes it easier for all of us to learn to read the Qur’an and obtain blessings from it.

May Allah widen our hearts and open our hearts to knowledge.

Indeed, Islam is a religion of mercy and Allah is the Best Giver of Mercy.

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